XXII International student films festival "PiterKiT"

The XXII International Student Film Festival "PiterKIT" will be held in November 2021 at the St. Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television. Feature, documentary, television, animation and short films will take part in the competition, as well as a script competition.
The first stage of the festival will be held from 14 to 18 October 2022. Films created by students of SPbGIKiT participate.

The second stage and competition of full-length debut feature films of the PiterKit festival will be held from 12 to 16 November 2022. Films of SPbGIKIT students awarded with prizes, special diplomas for professionalism and audience sympathy diplomas of the first stage of the international student film festival - "PiterKit", films of other Russian and foreign film schools, debut feature films that have passed the selection for the main competition, as well as screenplays selected for the main competition.

Submit a film     Submit a script

Additional information can be obtained at: https://piterkit.ru/

St. Petersburg, st. Pravdy, house 13, office. 1205.

Tel. +7 (812) 315-77-83

e-mail: piterkit@gukit.ru


22 November, 2017 - 15:16


Кудрис Юлия
Документальное кино
Duration: 06:03

Фомина Виктория
Документальное кино
Duration: 11:40

In the moonlight
Анисимов Александр
Игровое кино
Duration: 30:00

My own sky
Палехин Павел
Игровое кино
Duration: 29:57

Master of the pond
Кулакова София
Документальное кино
Duration: 29:52

A bird in the bush
Дорофеев Никита
Игровое кино
Duration: 29:16

The fight was yesterday
Попова Мария
Документальное кино
Duration: 06:27

Follow me
Иванова Анастасия
Duration: 05:25